Tzalash Provides a Comprehensive Range of Programs To Assist Soldiers

Visiting Soldiers On
Army Bases
Nothing is more appreciated by a soldier than a personal visit. Throughout the year we work with the leadership of the army and army rabbinate to enable Tzalash staff to visit soldiers on a regular basis. Each visit comes with a generous supply of snacks and drinks, and of course no visit is complete without some inspiration and Torah study.

Mishna and Gemara
Learning in the Army
To encourage independent and group Torah study, special pocket-sized editions of Mishnah and Gemara are printed and distributed to the soldiers. Additionally, when Tzalash staff visits soldiers on army bases these volumes are used for group learning so that soldiers can collaborate to complete an entire tractate - an accomplishment which is followed by a celebratory siyum.

Shabbat Learning
As a way to encourage camaraderie and an extra “Shabbat feeling,” Tzalash sponsors Shabbat Kiddush, Oneg Shabbat or a “tisch” on army bases where soldiers come together for Torah study, singing and religious inspiration. These programs help transform Shabbat in the army from merely a “day of rest” into a “day of religious growth - all in a relaxed and happy environment.

Printing and Distributing
Sifrei Chizzuk
Tzalash staff members have written and published numerous books and monographs. These seforim provide Torah-based inspiration and guidance for the soldiers. All of these books are printed as pocket-sized volumes so that soldiers can carry them in their uniforms and have them accessible for studying at any time.

Support For
Lone Soldiers
Lone Soldiers have unique needs due to their lack of local family support. Recognizing these needs, we are expanding our range of services to provide additional help to Lone Soldiers. Such programs include special visits to their army bases, social programs and Shabbatonim.

Torah and Inspiration for
Soldiers to Start Their Week
Tzalash partners with the IDF to provide a special day of learning and inspiration to select groups of soldiers on Sunday mornings. The program takes place in a centrally located synagogue in Tel Aviv and consists of classes delivered by prominent rabbis, high ranking army officers and Tzalash staff, followed by joint learning and a siyum with uplifting singing and dancing.

Support for Religious
Female Soldiers
Recent years have seen an increase in the number of religious young women joining the IDF. The challenges for these women are varied and complex and are exacerbated by a dearth of existing support systems. Given this reality, and consistent with the mission of Tzalash to offer support for all religious soldiers, we are launching our newest program to offer support to religious female soldiers throughout the army.

A Day of
Pre-Draft Learning
A special conference for yeshiva students shortly before they start their army service. These conferences include lectures delivered by Chief Rabbis and other prominent Torah scholars, senior members of the army rabbinate and Tzalash staff. The conference ends with group Torah study and culminates with festive music and a celebratory siyum.